How to Beat Bad Beats in Poker


Poker is a card game that involves luck and skill. The best players understand that they will win some and lose some, and they don’t let bad beats get them down. You can watch videos on YouTube of Phil Ivey taking bad beats and seeing them through.

When your turn comes, say “call” to add money to the pot. You must match or raise the last person’s bet.

Game rules

When playing poker, players must bet frequently to increase their chances of winning. They can bet either by raising or calling. However, they should be cautious and watch their opponents closely to avoid bluffing. They should also be prepared for their luck to turn later in the game.

Players must make their bets in a timely manner. If they raise more than the amount of the blinds, they are obligated to pay in full. They cannot raise if the blinds have already been raised, nor can they call the same player’s bet twice in a row.

In a multihanded pot, only four raises are allowed in each betting interval. A player who is all-in may ask to see a called hand, but they must be ready to muck it at the next deal or face being barred from play. The players’ expectations of their shares of the pot can be computed as follows: a single winner has Ei = E, while non-winners win 1 / n of Ei.

Betting intervals

Betting intervals refer to how often players should bet in a specific betting situation. The size of a bet can also impact how often it is best to bet. A small bet is usually considered to be less than half the pot, while a medium bet is around half to three quarters of the pot. A big bet is usually more than three quarters of the pot. The size of a bet can vary depending on the position you are playing from. For example, if you are c-betting a flop from the button, the solver will recommend closer to 75% of the pot for your c-bet.


Limit poker is one of the most popular forms of poker. Its fixed betting amounts per round and the number of times a bet can be raised make it easier for players to control the amount of money they put into the pot. This type of poker also allows players to play more hands, and it helps them avoid putting their entire bankroll on the line frequently.

In a limit game, bets during the first two rounds of betting (pre-flop and flop) are limited to 2 increments, while the latter two rounds double but remain at a maximum of 2. Raising requires full raises from other players. This makes the game less aggressive and gives players more time to calculate pot odds. This type of poker can also be easier for beginners to learn. However, it is important to remember that limit games are by nature a draw game. Therefore, it is best to try limit before moving on to NLHE games.


Bluffing is a key aspect of poker strategy. It can increase your chances of winning a pot when the board is favorable, and can reduce your losses if you are called. However, it can be difficult to master. There are many factors that influence bluffing success, such as the type of game and your opponents’ tells.

One important factor is the frequency of your bluffs. If you bluff too much, your opponents will understand your bluffing tendencies and begin calling your bluffs more often. You should also consider the players’ images and tendencies when deciding how frequently to bluff.

A semi-bluff is a bluff with a backup plan. It is usually made with a hand that has a chance, even if small, of improving to a good hand as the hand develops. This makes a bluff more profitable, especially when it is made against an opponent who likes to call. This is a better option than a pure or stone-cold bluff, which may be unsuccessful and costly.